In this documentation, we are explaining the types of chart creation mode so that you can choose the best charts to visualize your data.
To get started click on the "Create a Chart" option on the top right corner of the screen
The next screen will show you that there are 3 ways to create charts :
Use the advanced notebook editor to join data, create custom columns, do math, and more.
If you are good at SQL then you can write your own SQL or native query. If you ever need to ask questions that can’t be expressed using the question builder, you can use SQL instead.
In simple chart creation mode, you can browse data, view it and easily filter, summarize, and visualize it.
This is a guide to make a bar graph for Aave V2 Deposit Monthly Volume data
Step 1 : Click on the "Custom chart" option
Step 2 : Pick the data you want to create a chart for. You can pick one of the databases connected to Dapplooker. In this guide we'll create custom charts with Aave V2 Deposit Monthly Volume ****data