A user retention dashboard is a premium feature that functions as a visual tool for tracking key customer-centric metrics like retention rate, churn rate, MRR growth, and the number of loyal customers. In this approach, a company can gain extensive information about its health and potential for expansion.

A significant indicator for measuring the growth of digital products is user retention analysis, often known as "cohort analysis." Cohort analysis enables you to ask more specific, focused questions and make more educated product decisions, resulting in lower churn and higher revenue.

Cohort analysis is critical for Dapps, particularly Defi protocols, which generate a large number of transactions per day. It's critical to maintain track of returning customers and learn what keeps them pleased.

Advantages of User Retention Analytics for Dapps

Case Study - Aave Protocol

Step 1 : Click on "Solutions" on the top of the screen and choose "Network Analytics."


Step 2 : Then click on the dashboard you want to see. In this example we will choose the Aave V2 User Retention Dashboard.


Dapplooker aids in user retention analytics by providing visualization tools that give insights about the following :