Let`s begin with understanding of GraphQL, Subgraphs and how GraphLooker facilitates understand subgraphs better.

GraphQL & Subgraphs

GraphQL provides clients with complete and understandable descriptions of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.

Subgraphs are decentralized protocol for querying blockchain data through GraphQL. It makes it possible to query data that is difficult to query directly.

Here comes the tricky part, the data provided by subgraphs usually appears in the format as shown below.


Don`t worry, this is where GraphLooker jumps in.


GraphLooker let’s you do all operations in subgraphs through UI. It helps subgraph developers, indexers, delegators, curators, and The Graph users browse subgraph data, download data to CSV, sort and filter data with the simplest of UX. We aim to make it easy for TheGraph's various actors look deeper into the subgraph data.

The Uniswap V2 Dapp data shown above has a subgraph endpoint


Simply copy it and paste it into the subgraph endpoint bar on https://graphlooker.com/


GraphLooker does the work for you and presents it to you in the following format.
