CoinGecko is the world's largest independent cryptocurrency data aggregator with over 6,000 different crypto assets tracked across more than 400 exchanges worldwide. It is the world's largest independent source of reliable cryptocurrency data and is frequently cited across the industry by various publications.
You can join Dapp transactions with pricing data to track daily, weekly, monthly USD volumes. Dapplooker supports pricing data sets for more than 6000+ cryptocurrencies. Pricing data is auto-updated at regular intervals.
🐸 Coingecko integration enables tracking of the cryptocurrency's current prices and their volume data.
🐸 Dapps can join their transaction data with pricing data and track USD volumes.
🐸 Cryptocurrency token data is populated in queryable and browsable tables. More than 6000+ cryptocurrencies are supported**.**
🐸 Dapplooker lets you query/analyze token price data and build beautiful charts and dashboards using Visual SQL.
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