Celo Network Tokens SubGraph

Playground Editor: https://celo-graph-api.dapplooker.com/subgraphs/name/dapplooker/celo-tokens-analytics-subgraph/graphql

Subgraph API Endpoint: https://celo-graph-api.dapplooker.com/subgraphs/name/dapplooker/celo-tokens-analytics-subgraph

Celo Network Tokens: https://explorer.celo.org/tokens

Subgraph is indexing transactions data of Celo network token contracts. Subgraph is then registered at DappLooker platform for showing metrics and KPIs.

This subgraph contains analytics entities for below token contracts

Below are the some insight on analytics entities implemented in subgraph for the tokens:

Dashboard & Analytics

Find below resources for the dashboard.

Analytics dashboard contains key metrics of Celo network tokens.